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How Squad.App Makes Influencer Marketing More Effective Than Ever

February 13, 2024

Did you think Squad.App is only an influencer marketing blog? 

Not at all! First of all, Squad.App is a tech-enabled influencer marketing platform that simplifies the entire process of workflow with content creators, brands, agencies and influencers. 

Squad.App offers a range of services and tools that streamline the influencer marketing routine, from influencer identification to campaign management.

Our mission is to make influencer marketing truly transparent and accessible. In this article we’ll share with you exactly how we do this, and why doing influencer marketing with Squad.App is effective than ever.

We use first party data

One of the fundamental aspects of influencer marketing is identifying the right influencers for a campaign. Squad.App's robust features make this task easier than ever before. The platform provides access to an extensive database of influencers’ first party data across various social media platforms, including Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. These influencers are meticulously categorized based on their niche, followers, engagement rates, and other relevant metrics. The detailed profiles and analytics provided by Squad.App empower agencies and brands to select influencers that align perfectly with their target audience.

Squad.App understands the importance of measuring marketing efforts. The platform offers in-depth analytics and reporting features that enable agencies to track the performance of their campaigns and assess the impact on brand awareness, engagement, and conversions. This data-driven approach allows you to truly feel the value of influencer marketing.

We have an AI Matching Engine

It's important to note that follower count alone doesn't guarantee influencer effectiveness. That's where Squad.App's AI-powered algorithm comes into play.

Squad.App's algorithm analyzes an influencer's engagement rate and authenticity to determine their true influence and reach. By considering factors such as likes, comments, and shares, the algorithm provides a more comprehensive understanding of an influencer's effectiveness in driving engagement and conversions.

But how does the algorithm determine authenticity? It takes into account various factors, including the quality of an influencer's followers. This ensures that brands are connecting with influencers who have a real and engaged audience, maximizing the potential for successful collaborations.

By leveraging these features, brands can save valuable time and resources. Instead of manually sifting through countless profiles and trying to assess an influencer's suitability, Squad.App's advanced search filters and AI-powered algorithm streamline the process. This allows brands to focus their efforts on developing impactful campaigns and instead of doing tons of manual work.

READ ALSO: Meet Squad.App, an AI-powered Influencer Marketing Platform

We provide real-time analytics dashboards

Squad.App also offers advanced campaign management tools. Once the influencers have been selected, the platform allows brands to efficiently manage and track the progress of their campaigns. Squad.App provides a centralized dashboard where you can monitor the performance of each influencer, track engagement metrics, and analyze the overall impact of the campaign. This data-driven approach enables campaign managers to make informed decisions and optimize their influencer marketing strategies for maximum results.

Managing multiple campaigns simultaneously is another challenge in influencer marketing. With Squad.App's campaign management tools, brands and agencies can oversee and track the progress of multiple campaigns from a single dashboard. The platform facilitates seamless collaboration between brands and influencers, ensuring that campaigns are executed smoothly and efficiently.

We fully automate paperwork and payments

The platform allows agencies to seamlessly communicate and collaborate with influencers, ensuring effective coordination and smooth execution of campaigns. From negotiating terms and contracts to sharing creative assets, Squad.App provides a centralized hub for agencies and influencers to work together seamlessly.

Where Сan Squad.App be Applied

Squad.App is a universal service that can be used in any industry that requires increasing audience reach and product knowledge. Main areas of application:

1) Entertainment industry including Music and Production Services, and online entertainment including Streaming Media, eSports, Podcasting, Gaming Streaming Platforms.

2) B2B: e-commerce, B2B startups, CRM software, B2B company with a diverse portfolio of business solutions, including cloud services, productivity tools, and enterprise software. 

3) Non-profit organizations in every niche to raise awareness, engagement, and donations for their causes.

4) Gaming industry including gaming development, publishing, online streams, Twitch integrations, etc.

5) Startups including creator economy startups, B2B, SaaS, FinTech, and many more.

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Squad.App makes influencer marketing transparent and convenient for both the creators and brands using AI-technologies and easy-to-use platform.
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